Saturday, December 19, 2015

Request: First soldier in the catgirl army

"Are you kidding me, Doctor Briggs? We hired you to create super-soldiers, not to indulge some perverted fetish of yours."

"Major Tanker, I think that if you studied the physical specifications of the subject, you would find an exponential growth in speed, agility, strength, and reflexes..."

"As you say. But may I point out that your test subject, Sergeant Jonathan Sund, was a MAN before you injected him with your nanites?"

"Ah, Sir, that's the beauty of the procedure. Sergeant Sund can revert to his original form at any time by speaking a simple command phrase."

"Doctor, it has been three days since you turned him into this...thing. Why has there been no record of him resuming human form?"

"Well, Sir, he's had the chance, but he just hasn't chosen to. I think it may have something to do with the fact that, along with the other physical enhancements, the subject reports a tenfold increase in libido, sexual stimulation, and sexual pleasure. We have to keep a whole platoon of male and female soldiers on duty just to meet her needs. God knows what would happen if she went on a horny rampage."