Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Invasion of the Body Swappers

"Bull hockey! If you're Tony, prove it."

"Bro, we've known each other since first grade. Mrs. Pickering once made you sit in the corner because you laughed when Mary Corker peed her pants."

"You could have found that on the internet."

"And you go to some pretty strange places on the internet. Like that site about dudes who change into hot girls..."

"All right, I'll admit it. You're Tony. So what happened, bro?"

"Last night, there was a flash in the woods near my house. I went to check it out, and I found a crashed alien spaceship. When I got close, I heard a humming noise that got so intense that I blacked out. When I woke up, I looked like this."

"That's incredible. What will you do now? And more to the point, where can I find this spaceship?"

1 comment:

  1. HA! I love the last line. "And more to the point, where can I find this spaceship?" Too funny!

