Sunday, March 22, 2015

Request: David to Jin

"Dude, what do you think you're doing?" Roger asked. He had caught his roommate David going through the refrigerator.

"Look, I'm sorry. I said I wasn't going to steal your food again," David explained. "But I was really curious about this bubble tea you keep going on about."

"That's not bubble tea. You should really not drink it."

"Whatever it is, it's delicious."

"You mean you had some?" Roger looked worried.

"Just a sip. I'll put the rest back..." David began, but just then he started to change. He shrank six inches, and his hair grew long, dark, and silky. His features grew fine as his complexion darkened and his eyes grew wide and almond-shaped. His body shifted, losing David's bulk and becoming unmistakably feminine. Even his clothes transformed before a shocked Roger.

"Mmm, I don't know what's in this stuff," David breathed, his voice now sultry and full of desire. "But I want you to touch me all over my body."

Roger trembled. This was not how he intended to use the potion, but was he really going to pass up a chance like this?

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